Thursday, June 28, 2012

BYU dating: or the bad news...

So the sad truth is that my dating experience at the Y wasn't all good. In may have noticed that the last post was not very long. Yeah.

Now this isn't to say that I had negative experiences when actually dating people at the Y. The bad came from the fact that I didn't do much actual dating. Yeah. I'm totally one of those annoying girls who hopes that the brethren give talks on dating in Priesthood session... ahem. But anyway.

That being said I will now probably need to burst some bubbles. Contrary to popular belief, dating at the Y is not a dream come true. It was in fact, in my experience at least, uneventful, anticlimactic, and basically non-existent.

Now, I will take some of the blame in this. I am not sooooooo good at the whole flirting/showing interest/even talking to boys at all (and I may or may not closely resemble "the ugly one" in the previous link, not in appearance, just in spirit). So I can't say that I made it easy, and I do know that I can work it to get a date as I talked about in the previous post. But I'm going to be honest, the amount of work I put into getting that date is the amount of work that should be put in a burgeoning relationship. Not a pre-first date warm-up.  Just me opining.

Now I have already once posted a ranty, raving denunciational post of men who do not date. (It has since been retracted so don't try to look for it. Not that I no longer believe in it, just that I try to keep myself moderate on the internets because, you know, moderation in all things. Maybe it will it rub off on my normal life.) So this is just a post showing the other side of dating at the Y. The girls who aren't blonde flirts who make cookies and dinner and hang out at boy's apartments constantly because they are instead studying or folk dancing or making meaningful relationships with their roommates. And ice cream...

That being said, let me just say that the most frustrating part about dating at the Y for me was that I was the "asker" more often than I was the "asked". Proportionally. I don't have a problem being the one to ask the guys out but here's a tip guys. Girls would rather be pursued than doing the pursuing. We generally don't mind asking guys out (though there are a wide range of vehement opinions on every side, we are all different) but we do like guys who show initiative and interest. Would you rather "keep your cool" or have a date with an awesome girl? And if you're worried about rejection, read this awesome article. Not that I'm calling you a wuss whoever you are that is reading this post. I'm just saying. I'm man enough to ask for a date. And you are much more of a man than I. Literally. Well, that is if you're a man. This is all getting very confusing. 

For girls looking for help dating, I've found this awesome blog to be funny, enlightening, and fantastic. And rest assured, the males who write it are both attractive and awesome guys that you would want to date. So you can trust 'em. Much more than me.

And all of THAT being said, I shall just say that so far my experience in Ogden has shown me that the dating outside of Provo seems fundamentally more effective. This is not from personal experience (yet...) but from the amount of engagements I've seen in my singles ward in the last three weeks. At least one every week if not more. And so I can say that with the experiences I've had, dating at the Y is in fact, less effective than in other areas. So. Man up BYU. 

The end. That wasn't too bad was it?

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