Friday, June 29, 2012

Nooks and Crannies: My favorite parts of BYU campus

BYU campus has a lot of great spots, and it seems like every student has their favorite places to study or eat lunch. I have a few of those places. Keep in mind I didn't really study on campus nor did I usually have a lunch break. So these were just places I liked to exist. :)

  • The TMA office. Okay I know this may be weird, but after I started working there, whenever I had some extra time or unexpected lunch time, I usually would go there. Then I got to be in a place I loved with people I loved. Double win. 
  • JKB vending machine area. There are these great little booths near the vending machines on the 2nd floor of the JKB that are perfect for studying, warming up your lunch, and buying a little snacky when you're craving chocolate. These were always the vending machines that had this one kind of amazing chocolate bar. I can't remember what it was called, but it was awesome. 
  • 1st floor computers in the library. For my first year at BYU I didn't have my own laptop and these are the computers that were sure to be open every afternoon so I could email my sister on her mission and check my facebook and do homework. The downside to this area, freezing cold. Be sure to bring a jacket. 
  • 5th floor booths in the library. If you need yourself a desk for some research and studying, I especially recommend the fifth floor. I mean, the whole library is relatively quiet, but the fifth floor in particular has an ambiance that I appreciated. 
  • Education in Zion Exhibit.  Now, while this is an awesome museum to go through, it is an even awesomer place to study and just chill. The only downside, no lunching here. 
  • Nooks in JFSB. On floors 4 and 5 of the JFSB there are these awesome little lounges on every side of the square building. They have nice, comfy chairs and are always by a window showing you a view of the courtyard. Perfect for studying! But once again, no lunching. If you want to lunch in the JFSB you've pretty much just got the basement. OR
  • JFSB rooftop veranda. This place isn't always open but when it is, it is this perfect and wonderful place to lunch or study or tan or all three! So peaceful. 
  • Vending machine area of McKay Building. This is an awesome place to have lunch because there is ALWAYS a seat available. Seriously I have never seen this little nook crowded, an impressive feat on this massive campus. And they have a wide array of vending machines and a microwave. Perfecto?
  • The RB. Anywhere on the dance side of the building. Since this is the building I spent THE most time in (easily), it is definitely the most comfortable for me. If I had some extra time or needed to eat my lunch somewhere, I would almost always just end up at the RB because I was sure to know someone there at any given time. Especially around the folk dance room or the clogging/tap room. Downsides to this area, barely any chairs (unless you venture into the MDT lounge don't venture into unless you're quite brave) and it's quite a walk to a microwave. Upsides are that you're always bound to see a folk dance friend and find someone to eat with. I have spent many an hour sitting in the RB second floor hallway. I am well acquainted with its hard and uncomfortable carpet and trying to split the space with the ballroom dancers without actually having to talk to them... :) 

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