Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our ministry is one of love

To start off my 14 Days of Valentines I wanted to use the first couple of chapters in the Teachings of the Presidents of the Church manual for this year on George Albert Smith.

The first week we started talking about George Albert Smith I was mostly like, oh! He was a prophet wasn't he? In fact all I really knew about him was where he fell in the song. (Bragging moment, my aunt Vanja totally wrote that song. Boo-ya.) So I was pretty interested to hear what his particular teachings were.

Another side note, ever since I started really studying the gospel for myself in high school I fell in love with love. (Starting to see why I love Valentine's Day?) I remember the day I read that "perfect love casteth out all fear" I was completely astounded! Who wouldn't want that? So ever since then the gospel study of love has fascinated and delighted me.

So when I went home and read for myself the introduction which was the Life and Ministry of George Albert Smith, I quickly realized that he is my new favorite prophet that isn't alive. (I mean, you can't have a favorite over President Monson, that just seems wrong.) But here is my favorite quote about my new hero shortly after he passed away.

"...God attracts the godly, and I am sure that the shortest journey this man of God ever made in all of his travels has been the journey which he has just taken. God is love. George Albert Smith is love. His is godly. God has taken him unto himself."

Wouldn't it be so wonderful to be thought of as such a man or woman? My favorite scripture for Valentine's Day is always "God is love" and to see that powerful scripture equated with an earthly man was astounding to me.

The first chapter of this manual talks about living what we believe, and how President Smith truly lived his beliefs, he lived the gospel and didn't just teach it. And in the second chapter it more specifically talks about how he lived his beliefs of love in the chapter entitled "Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself". It is from this chapter that I got the quote after which this blog is titled. And doesn't this just sum up what our lives should be about? Shouldn't we be where we are to spread love?

When you know wonderful things that would make someone else eternally happy. When you have understandings that bring deep peace to your soul? When you have come to know an inkling of the love of God. Shouldn't you share that love? Shouldn't you share that IN love?

Love quote of the day: "Our ministry is one of love" - George Albert Smith

Love song of the day: "Everything to Me" by David Lehr

Love picture of the day:


潇潇 said...

I know I should have stayed away since that letter; but,you know, I was subconsciously attracted when people talking about my favorite topic and quote my favorite quotes.....And I know you would forgive me at least for the next 13 days because it is season of love. :)

"I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear." This is the piece I quoted to myself in the mornings when I wasn't feeling ready to face the whole bunch of people whom I am suppose to meet; This is the piece I quoted in the evenings before I knocked door of ladies, who once turned me down because I am an Asian, and shared cookies and even food with them and even their husbands; This is the piece I quoted on some nights I was tired to cry upon God asking why I have to suffer so much in a country that people see me as an stranger?

I know this piece is true and is with great power. Thanks for sharing it again! And it definitely makes me excited for what is going to be taught in the Priesthood this year! :)

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Unknown said...

I LOVE this post. You are fantastic. is George Albert Smith :)