Sunday, January 29, 2012

Get. Ready.

Here's just a reminder that the best month (February) and the best holiday (Valentine's Day) are coming up. So get ready people. I'm probably going to ramp it up this year by posting a blog entry every day. Just because I can.

Here's how you celebrate the 14 days of Valentines (the 1-14 of February. Obviously.)

1. Wear something pink or red every day (purple counts if you're desperate)
2. Eat some chocolate every day.
3. Find a new love quote everyday (any kind of love, romantic love, friend love, gospel love, it all works)
4. Read other talks, articles, etc. on love.
5. Listen to love songs. Obviously. NO breakup songs. That is like the cardinal sin of Valentine's day, only slightly behind wearing black on V-day, that's just blasphemous people.
And finally.
6. SHOW love by doing at least one nice thing for someone every day.

Valentine's Day is true people. And I truly believe that if you practice it with love in your heart for EVERYONE and really give service (and eat chocolate) then you will love Valentine's Day as much as I.

Oh Valentine's boxes. The ultimate V-Day tradition.

In conjunction with the 14 Days of Valentines here is a great activity to play. If you play it well, it can help you fulfill your duty of eating chocolate everyday too.

First get some candy (chocolate is clearly preferred) and put it in a bowl in a place MOST tempting for you.

Next get some writing utensils and surfaces ie. notecards and pens or paper and pencils, etc.

Now, whenever you want to eat some of that delicious chocolate you must write down one thing you love for ONE piece of chocolate. Try not to do repeats. Cheaters.

The rewards for this game are many.
1. You get chocolate
2. You get to count your many blessings.
3. If you are like me and crave chocolate when you are depressed you are forced to think of happy things before you eat said chocolate.
"Now think lovely thoughts..."


潇潇 said...

Check-in :)

Patti said...

I like Valentine's Day too!

From Ella Haines