Friday, February 10, 2012


So I know my philosophy of Valentine's Day is that it isn't just about romantic love but I realize that I haven't shown much evidence for that yet on my blog. Other than religious love (which really...let's be honest, encompasses all the kinds of love, but still) and romantic love (including the sub-genre of crushes, etc) I haven't really ventured anywhere else. So let's talk about friend love shall we?

I have been amazingly blessed in my life to have about 98% more friends than I have ever deserved in my life. No. Make that 99%. The only people who have to like me are my family. And even they like me more than they need to/perhaps should. Here are some ways my friends have shown their love for me.

Making me dinner when I don't feel well even though I never would have asked them to.

Making my bed in the morning when they can tell I'm stressed.

Answering crazy ranting text messages when I'm trying to sort out my life.

Listening to me complain about people who complain and not calling me a hypocrite.

Letting me eat their delicious cheescake cookies.

Bringing me ice cream.

Listening to me.

Having  a sleepover with me the night before an AP Psych test.

Being my best friend even when I legitimately had 0 other friends in school. (I was not liked in elementary school, simply put.)

Giving me a chance to be funny even when I was viewed as "nerdy".

Bonding in a hotel room at dance conventions. Even when the only thing I had to say was something silly about math.

Including me.

Thinking I'm talented.

Telling me the truth.

Lying to me when the truth will devastate me.

Doing my dishes for me.

Not thinking I hate them when I'm focused on homework.

Teaching me things. All kinds of things. And being patient when I don't get it.

Remembering what's going on in my life and asking me about it.

Noticing when I'm tired or sick or frustrated.

Being a spy when I'm with whichever boy I like so they can tell me afterward if they think he likes me or not.

Always telling me he likes me, even though that's basically never true. :)

Reading my lame-o blog.

Buying me presents even though they know I never buy people presents because I'm terrible.


This list could go on for days. I just hope to high heavens that I do this for my friends also. I should probably not hope and just do. People. Love, like faith, is a principle of action. Love not acted upon is just a false feeling, it's the ghost of what it would be with action. We know this. We know that upon serving someone you love them more, but knowledge is just data until it's put into our life. Love is just a sham until it's acted upon.

Soapbox over.


Megan said...

Thanks for getting on your soap box today. I appreciate it. More than I think you will ever know or than I could ever tell you.

潇潇 said...
