Saturday, December 22, 2012

Fear of Costco?

So I currently have the most random ailment. Costochondritis. Not COSTCOchondritis. Because that would probably mean you had a fear of Costco. And I feel fine about Costco. Actually to be tehcnical it would probably mean your bones would inflame when you came into contact with Costco. Or Costco would inflame when your bones came into contact with it? So you would have to judge on whether that would be worth the risk.

In any case. I have costochondritis which has nothing to do with large shopping complexes and means the cartilage that connects to my ribs is inflamed. It also means that it hurts to do the following

-stand up
-pick things up off the ground (my 60 year old mother and pregnant sister have been picking things up for me...)
-burping (which is awkward enough without pain)
-sneezing (for about three  fear filled seconds I thought I had to sneeze and figured surely I would pass out from pain)
-I can only imagine what damage hiccups would do...

Oh and breathing. Which affects my ability to speak in sentences longer than five words with one breath, my ability to sing longer than three seconds (church Christmas program in one day? Uhoh), and opportunities for me to get winded/out of breath are out of the question. So you know, I have to take a break walking up the stairs. Nbd.

The only way I can exist pain free until this goes away is literally to sit on the couch all day in the same position. So. There you go.

1 comment:

Shiree said...

I wanted to know more. Tell me more. Jk