Friday, July 27, 2012

Beyond: So far

So far the "Beyond" of my BYU and Beyond has included:

-a make-believe week in Provo after tour where I bummed off Kelsey, saw Pentatonix live (Dalilah and Vocal Point were there too but...come on), performed in a Scandinavian festival, and pretended I was still part of the P-town life I have now left behind.
This, apparently, is a meal fit for a Viking. 

Look at these beauties at the concert! We had sweet seats. 
Pentatonix live is mind-blowing. 
-starting the Lemony Snickett series (okay so those books are awesome)
-Watching Anne of Green Gables/Avonlea and beginning the books (fyi, the books do not wrap up after Anne of Avonlea like the movie suggests. There are like 8 books. What?)
-Attending one of my favorite people's wedding/reception. Jess's wedding was perfect. Such a lovely day.
Jess and Matt Richards. 
-Finishing the Hunger Games series that I started the last summer I spent at home (I refused to read them during the school year because I'm addicted to school and every time I tried after that I couldn't get a hold of one without having to buy it. And I'm morally opposed to buying hard-back books)
-A lot of family. With my sister and her husband and three kids staying here until they can move in to their house and an informal family reunion including nearly all of my 8 siblings, their spouses, and most of the 23 grandkids, we have had some full houses. And a lot of fun.
The 4 year olds got along really well. 
The one on the left isn't ours. But that winner in the sequined tie? 100% related to me. 

-2 surgeries. Wisdom teeth removal and another surgery that...maybe I'll tell you about if you ask. Privately.
Thanks to diligent icing, there was very little swelling. And  miraculously next to no pain. 
-I sewed a dress! Something else I started the last summer I spent at home.
Promise it looks better on than it does hanging up. 
-I crocheted an afghan, something I started over Christmas vacation.
I actually still have a border to finish. But it looks like a blanket now!
-I successfully trained for (kind of ) and completed a 5k even though I'd never run over 1.5 miles consecutively before in my life. (I'm trying once again to make running a habit. We'll see)
The Plain City 4th of July 5K had exactly four times more Yorgasons than it has ever had. 
Shiree was my training buddy and the reason all participating Yorgasons were a part. 
-Prepared for a part-part-very part-time job teaching at The Dance Establishment (I grew up dancing there and I'm extremely excited. I get to teach ladies tap, a competition jazz team, a 5 year old combo, and a pointe class)
-I got my first non-Apple mp3 player. I'm very excited to finally be out of the iZone. I'm a PC girl yo.
-I have read a lot of news. I seriously love news so this is great to have time to read it. Though I sincerely miss having access to the NY Times for free on campus. I hear it's on WSU campus? Fact? Fiction?
-I have started listening to a free course I downloaded from iTunes U (Okay, so I'm not completely out of the iZone, it is borderline impossible in the mp3 world) on capitalism from Yale. NBD. It's awesome so far. I'm such a nerd, I already miss school. But that shouldn't surprise anyone.

What "beyond" has not yet included:

-Finding a full-time job in my career field. Or even part time (I would actually prefer part-time for the first year)
-Living in somewhere other than my house
-Having my own room/bed.

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