Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Once upon a time, when I wasn't dancing anymore because it's summah-time, I decided I should probably still stay in shape. In particular, I would like to stay in my shape, I have a nice shape. My idea is not to strengthen muscles, they seem pretty good the way they are, what I want to do is have great endurance. So I say to myself, running, this is a good choice.

Now for those of you who know me, running is not so much on the top of my list of wonderful things. It may or may not be somewhere near the middle of the list of anti-wonderful things (my ideas about running were akin to the not-so-excited look on this poor girls face.) However! In the last few years I have learned that running on a treadmill greatly helps this because I can then concentrate on how long I'm running as opposed to how far/fast I run. Because far and fast are the two worst words to me in running. Therefore, since I'm in fairly good shape because folk dance is ridiculous (!) I figure, I can run.

Guess what I was right! And it was a great run. My goal was, just keep going for at least 10 minutes, but let me tell you, by the time I hit 3 minutes I knew that would be too easy. So at the end of every carefully-selected-running-playlist song I increased my speed and I ended up running 15 minutes instead of 10 and even ran over a mile! And it really wasn't even that bad. In fact it was delightful.

This is great news, I say to myself. This means I can run every day and get a little better and maybe shave a little off my shape (I mean, I like the general shape but it could be a tinge smaller in places, you know what I'm saying?) and be happy and healthy and vegetable eating! (This has to do with a mantra of mine that if I'm working out I eat healthier. It's kind of amazing and you should try it.)

The great news didn't last long. By the next day I had a slight problem. Just kind of a shooting pain in my foot when I...walked on it. I was trying to play it off to my co-workers and I told my boss "well yeah it hurts but only when I walk on it." His reply was "that's like saying, my eye hurts, but only when I look at it." Touche. So maybe this is a problem. Thankfully BYU's the bomb and there is a dance training room I can go to so that this problem can be fixed before the great trek to Europa for me. So we've figured out the problem, it's highly fixable and everything's cool. I mean the shooting pain isn't gone yet but all in due time. And lots of massages. And stretching.

But I still can't run. I tried riding a bike today, just not the same. Who would have ever imagined me saying those words? Nobody that's who.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

You run for your life, girl.