Saturday, June 16, 2012

The roommate series: Pre-acquaintances and Randoms

Here is where I talk about a few of the other roommates I have had who have a)not lived in my room and b)not been Asian. 

The first roommate I ever met was Tiffany Conger. Talk about baptism by fire. I was a naive little freshman and she was a confident senior (I'm pretty sure she was a senior at the time). Not only that but she was a theatre major! *gasp* (Actually Kiely was too, but she was always a mild type for that major in my opinion).  When I had moved in the first day none of my roommate were there, but after getting a personal tour of BYU campus by my BFF at the time Jacob Hunsaker, we both came back to my apartment to meet Tiffany. Fresh back from London study abroad and speaking in a British accent. And after Jacob left of course there were the inevitable "who's the boy" questions and I was terribly embarrassed because Jacob and I have never been anything more than friends and I planned to keep it that way always (this in fact has proved to be true as he married to someone lovely who is not me, hooray!). Anyway, it took me a while to feel comfortable around Tiffany but we became good friends! She always provided dramatic flair to our apartment and I loved talking to her. I remember we had a joke that when I got engaged I would write her a letter and it would just say "Dear Tiffany, I am engaged. Love, Lynette" with no details whatsoever. I still might do it. :)

Megan lived as my non room-roommate once before her mission. It was her, me, Kiely, and Martha! Oh Martha. Martha had an alarm that went off starting at about 5:30 AM every morning with that song about apple bottom jeans. She didn't usually wake up until after I had left for classes at 8 AM so...I got pretty familiar with that song. In fact it still reminds me of her. ;) Martha was also hilarious and very thoughtful and loved cooking like crazy. She had this friend Trevor who would come over and they usually looked pretty miserable, especially if anyone said anything about dating at Church-related functions. And then they started dating each other! And they were happy again. And then they got engaged. And now. They are married. Typical. 

Ooh, and that year we got awesome roommate pictures. 
I tried to find a nice one, but the funny ones are so much better!
For one awesome semester of my (first) senior year I lived only with people I already knew and loved for the first time. Kiely. Christina. Jessica (remember her? I met her when I met Kiely). And it was awesome. We bonded a ton and ate pizza watched a lot of movies and shows. Christina, Jess, and Kiely are all lovers of shows (like serial television shows) and so they got along real well. Once Kiely left us (graduation is important I guess) Tori moved in. That semester I was crazy busy with folk dance (tons of weekend shows with PAC and being a TA for SPAC left me I think maybe 2 free Saturdays all semester). So Christina and Jess bonded quite a bit. And I would bond with Jess at night doing homework in the living room when Christina was asleep. Interesting semester. 

And my last year was full of Asians that have already been talked about (Rachana, Melanie, and Tori). For one semester in fact, I was the only fully white girl in the whole apartment. Different for me... And then there was Megan-o and then I was graduated! 

The end.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I am so happy that this post happened! Please send me the letter when you get engaged. I look forward to it. Also, be prepared for phone/text/email bombardment immediately following said letter so that I can get the details. ;) I love you Lynette! Miss you tons! XOXOXO