Thursday, June 14, 2012

The roommate series: The Asians?

So even though Kiely was just a pseudo Asian, I had plenty of actual Asian roommates. In fact, I am quite sure there were only two semesters in my entire 5 years of life at Queens Arms #4 where I didn't have an Asian roommate. And sometimes I even had multiple! Isn't that fun?

My very first Asian roommate was Gina. She had been raised in America but she was still Asian right? I actually didn't see Gina very often because she was a nursing major or she was doing some nursing or something and so she was super busy. Gina went to the Asian ward that semester, but when she moved the next semester she started going to our ward. So...random?

Next I had Stella! Her real name is Wing Yi (yeah?) but she went by Stella. Stella was from Hong Kong and I loved listening to her phone conversations that were mostly in Chinese but with recognizable words like "BYU", "Wilkinson Center" and "bye!" thrown in there. And we were roommates for over a year! She had served a mission in Oakland so we liked to tease her about being gangster. Mostly because she was so un-gangster. She went to the Asian ward for a while but then we convinced her to come to our awesome ward! She made us lunch once and almost gave us all seafood seasoning on our rice, forgetting that our Western tastebuds may not enjoy that...I thought it tasted like licking a fish bowl. But I got to eat with chopsticks! And I loved the rest of her meal. :)

I had another awesome roommate one summer that was from the Philippines and I don't remember her name. But she looooooved karaoke, which was awesome.

Melanie was another roommate that was from South Korea, the only Asian roommate to be the room roommate.

Then there was Tori. Now, Tori is actually only half-Asian (on her mom's side). But she goes to the Asian ward so I count it. Tori is like a child genius (not that she's a child, but you know, younger than me). And could probably kick your  butt in a dark alley.

I also had a share of Nepalese roommates. Shrutee (who had at another time been my visiting teaching companion, sa-weet) and Rachana! They made it possible for my apartment to forever smell of curry. :) In fact, that was usually the first thing people said when they came into my apartment for the first time. I couldn't smell it after the first couple of days.

Now that I wrote about it that seems like small sauce. But seriously, I had a lot of Asian roommates! All awesome.

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