Sunday, June 24, 2012

BYU Celebrities: Because I totally had a class with Jimmer!

So the title of this post is actually a lie. I did not have a class with Jimmer. I had TWO classes with Jimmer! Let me explain.

Spring term of 2009 I took a Church history class (1845-1900) with Brother Fluhman (and believe me, I will talk about Brother Fluhman in an upcoming post). It was a very small class, there were really only about 10-12 people in the class. This was ideal because I love Brother Fluhman. But there was this guy in the class who would sit next to me sometimes and I really had no idea who he was for quite some time. I thought he was weird to be honest because he would wear basketball shorts, sneakers, and long socks that were pulled up midway up his calf. I was pretty sure that was only cool in the 90s, but he didn't seem like a nerd.
Oh the scrunched 90s socks.
Turns out he wasn't a nerd. Turns out he was Jimmer. At this point I had pretty much never heard of him, but somehow or another I found out who he was and that he was actually super cool and then I felt intensely honored that he sometimes chose to sat by me. I'm quite sure we never conversed, he was a pretty quiet guy. 

Fast forward two years to winter semester 2011. Yes, that's right, the year of Jimmer. I was taking American Christianity from Brother Fluhman (I take a lot of classes from him okay? Like I said, I'll talk about it later). And Jimmer was in that class too! And what a semester to have a class with him. Especially because Brother Fluhman is kind of a college basketball maniac. After a while Jimmer didn't really come to class, I heard he was kind of busy in March? Weird. Brother Fluhman admitted once that he considered wearing his Jimmer jersey to class once but decided against it. 

Another BYU celebrity that I have had just enough contact with to write on this blog would be Matt Meese. Matt has been part of BYU's Divine Comedy for the last few years and he is intensely hilarious. After watching Divine Comedy for a couple of years I took a job at the TMA office. Remember? Well once a week the DC presidency would have their meetings with my boss Elizabeth. So for one school year he saw me every Thursday. He even said hi to me sometimes. So really...I know him way better than Jimmer. That's something right?

Okay, okay, there are some campus celebrities that I actually know quite well. Last's the best right? Let's talk about Vocal Point. Now members of Vocal Point are usually something of campus celebrities, but recently their appeal has gone even farther than BYU-I! Because of a little show called The Sing-off. (PS, they are not bringing that show back? What? Let's save it)

Anydangway. There are two faces in that group that I know well enough not just to be on FB friends terms with them, but in fact real like friends terms with them. Like if I saw them on the street we would talk to each other. And we'd probably hug! Amazing. First there is Mikey Christensen. Mikey was a folk dancer. If you have ever read this blog before in your whole life you will most likely know that I am a folk dancer. Now, our BYU folk dance paths never crossed, so while we had a million friends in common I didn't meet Mikey in folk dance but did meet him the summer before he did the Sing Off and we became quick friends. I needed a guy friend that I could talk to about life and he was terribly bored because his dear wife was in Europe with Clog America. So we bonded over Harry Potter. He's still a dear friend and I'm going to miss him while he is in New Mexico!

And finally. Jacob Glenn Hunsaker. Here is the short version of the friendship of Jacob and I. Our junior year of high school we both made Legacy Chamber Choir at Fremont High School. We had seminary together. I couldn't stand the kid. He was one of those kids who was smart/talented without trying. Then we did Legacy senior year together. Somehow during retreat we became great friends. For our senior year we were with each other every day (we had 4 of our 8 classes together plus lunches) and we pretty much knew everything about each other's lives. In fact once we had to be away from each other for almost two full weeks (I had a dance convention in LA then went on choir tour the next week which he didn't go on) and we pretty much thought we would die. I even have a note that we wrote me once. Why he wrote me a note? I still don't really know. But it happened. Then we went to BYU together. We took Physical Science together. Technically. He came sometimes. We rarely saw each other. He went on his mission. He wrote me twice. Nice. He came back, made Vocal Point, we still rarely saw each other but when we did we had a great time! Then he got married to a wife I highly approve of and I rarely see him. BUT, we were BFF senior year. And I have stories...that I will never reveal because I respect him too much. And I know how much he hates to blush. ;) And and yes, I call him Jacob. I have no idea why. I'm the only one.
Such an attractive picture. We were clearly paying great attention to the basketball game. Now if only I could find the picture of Jacob and I imitating the Silverline faces...

1 comment:

Troi and Crusher said...

Dear Lynette,
First, great pic of Jake there. Um... can we borrow that for a sec?

Second, if you ever reconsider your stance of revealing embarrassing stories from the OF Jake high school years... you know how to reach us. ;)
-T and C