Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sophomore year in a nutshell: Quest for Perfection

Year 2. Here we go.

I decided to spend my spring/summer terms in Provo because it's cheap and fun and I am not one to live at home. It feels weird. I did it one time, we'll talk about it later. Also, it's pretty easy to get full tuition scholarships for spring/summer. So you know, free knowledge! Which I can't turn down. 

Spring term I took 7 credits. Instructional Technology in Teaching aka the easiest class in the world? Really though. 

I also took my first and only organ class and this class taught me two specific things. The organ is very different than the piano. Also, the organ is super mondo addictive. My instructor was a grad student. One time, I was telling my family about him on a Sunday evening spent in Plain City. I said "He's a very nice man...he looks like a goose." My sister-in-law about died laughing. But he really did look like a goose. 

This is also the first time I took a class from Brother J. Spencer Fluhman. Life changing. I will talk about him plenty more later in the post I have dedicated to my favorite professors. I took the first third of LDS history from him. So fantastic. 

Summer term I had originally signed up for classes  but I was done-zo. So instead I just worked at the Daily Universe and looked up videos of the Jonas Brothers on Youtube. 

So yeah, this was a big summer, because it got me into the Jonas Brothers. Which climaxed by the next summer in a trip to Vegas. But I'm getting ahead of myself. 

I also lived with my sister that summer which was very fun. I hung out with Sariah Burdge a lot (love.that.girl) and bow-tie boy from the previous post and his friend Seth. Summer nights of card games and random spontaneity. I think I even ate raw fish! 

Also, this is the important time in which the High School Musical lunchbox was purchased. From Wal-Mart. In a back to school sale. 

Fall semester
This semester began my two year love-affair with the Spanish language. I took 101 from Profe H. I should have taken 101/102 accelerated, but I loved Profe H. So I'm cool. I also met a fellow Disney lover Dani Israelsen, who shall soon be changing her last name. I met her not a moment too late, right in time to be able to get all my conversation hours with someone. Such good timing. 

I also took modern marathon this semester. Fantastic! I had it from Arwen Rogers and her philosophy of dance and life fit me perfectly. I don't always (read: rarely) agree with the modern program at BYU, but I loved the way she did things. Arwen was also the first person to convince me to eat healthily. Thus began my love affair with produce. This class consisted of 1.5 hours of technique class MWF, with an extra 1.5  hours of composition  twice a week (or once? it's been a while). Anydangway. A lot of my time was spent modern dancing with some lovely girls. A couple of which I am still very good friends with! It was one of the first times I had ever really had my choreography presented for our final and I actually got to choreograph on other people and mine was even abstract! *gasp*

I took a world music class with my sister. That was fun. I took Judaism & the Gospel from my best friend's dad from home. That was random, and fun. I also took New Testament from Brother Merrill. I enjoyed it while also deciding to no longer take classes from him. You know how that goes. 

This semester also marks an important step in my folk dance career. I TA'd my first class for Greg Tucker, beginning clogging. I had three delightful freshmen in my class named Daniel, Brett, and Justin. They were a year younger than me, and yes I was their TA, but I had a wee crush on them. And they were on folk dance teams, and that may have influenced my decision to audition again after the crushing defeat of my last attempt. 

Oh, and I tried out for the dance major again and didn't even make callbacks. Oh well. 

Winter semester
This was the semester I was jobless. The Daily Universe downsized its classified advertising from 3 people to 1 I believe, and I just wasn't it. I didn't mind too much. Thankfully I have wonderful parents who helped me out. 

I also used about all the time I had been working at the DU for my History 200 course. Paul Kerry. Oh Paul Kerry. This was the first C I ever got on a paper. Oh wait, it was the only C I ever got on a paper. I didn't stop fearing research papers until my capstone course. 

I also took another history class from a man who looked like an older Matt Damon. Delightful. 

Spanish continued with a new professor Profe McNeil, who I had for the next year. 

Oh and yes, I got on a folk dance team. Finally. :) 10 WSC, MWF in the Wilk Ballroom with Emilee Wright. Emily Carpenter (now Park) and Alan Babcock were my TA's. I met dear friends there, some who remained in the program with me and some who didn't. I also remember how hilarious my dear TA's were and how we danced Mexican for Spring Festival of Nations and my partner was totally Mexican (Miguel!). And how I could not comprehend that Jeff Suppes was a freshman. But, once again, there will be a whole post on this folk dance beginning later. 

Oh and I took D&C from Brother Fluhman. My second of many classes from him. 

And now for the comedy segment : Class quotes
  • Motocicleta es vroom vroom, motoneta es *whiny noise* - Profe H.
  • I was ironing while listening to General Relief Society Meeting. That's fitting. - Brother Merrill
  • But it's Friday, and I feel flippant - Professor Chadwick
  • I apologize in advance for this dismal attempt at a final class period, I have a kind of...bronchial leprosy. - Professor Chadwick
  • It was TuesdayFriday, it was magic TuesdayFriday. - Professor Chadwick
  • Don't use text message grammar, you know, use vowels - Professor Grimshaw
  • Because if there are any unresolved questions about tala or raga, then once we come to kriti someone will start crying. Probably me. - Professor Grimshaw
  • It's amazing how kids just love dictators - Professor Larsen
  • I'm here for Christ and, uh, pepper - Professor Larsen. 
  • Relations? Like with the federal government? - Dr. Kerry
    • Iv'e never had those kind of relations with the federal government...-student
  • Kumbaya my friend. Tell me about your relationships. - Dr. Kerry
  • Where do universities come from? - Dr. Kerry
    • Well...when a father university... - student
    • I set myself up for that. - Dr. Kerry
  • It's like how we say "an" if there's a vowel afterneath. - Profe McNeil
I'm not going to even include anything Fluhman related in this quotes. They deserve much more space and attention. 

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