Saturday, April 14, 2012

Junior year in a nutshell: the one with more social interaction

Year 3! Over halfway there.

This spring term I began another wonderful journey. I started a job at Freshman Academy. In the year I was at this job I made a lot of friends, I learned a lot of things, and I became a much better person.

I took Irish dance from Jeanette Geslison, little realizing she would become a big part of my life (she is the current director of PAC).

I took a World Dance class from Rustin, my kinsman. All I really remember is Javanese salutation from that class, but I couldn't actually do it for you. And in this class I met Christina Craven and somehow we became amazing friends. Neither of us remember how. But we're both fairly sure it had to do with Gilmore Girls and coffee flavored ice cream that she hated and I loved.

I also took another LDS history class from Brother Fluhman. And Jimmer was in that class. Nbd.

Summer term. Yeah, I went all the way through. First, this was my first time with students at Freshman Academy (some of whom are already home from their missions, holy cow), and in addition I was taking 6 credits.

I took basic guitar this summer! I had gotten a child size guitar for Christmas the year before (I have small hands, okay?) and now I could play it! On a particularly melancholy day I even decided to write a song. However, I didn't know enough minor chords to actually make it melancholy so...yeah. It's more of an upper.

Also, another important folk dance step, I took Spanish dance from Delynne Peay. Perfect idea. She is the director of the backup team and by taking a class from her, my folk dance career really zoomed forward.

Fall semester
This semester, I was on a backup folk dance team and was in my first Christmas Around the World. I was also, by this time, taking Advanced Clogging with Greg (always, in fact I've never had another clogging teacher in my life, literally) and still his TA for intermediate clogging now.

Advanced Clogging was fantastic. I was always with Greg Rawlings and we had an amazing final. Enjoy

Yeah. My hair was that long. Sometimes I forget to cut it. For a year.

I also took a cooking class with my Ronnie (roomie) Kiely. It was terrible horrible no good very bad. But at least we spent at least 4 hours together every Tuesday? Seriously. It was bad. Kiely was once yelled at by our teacher for using the wrong pan or something...which thing we'd never learned about it class. Thanks lady. However, we had a grand old time studying for the midterm and final together. Some of the hardest laughter in my life occurred then.

Winter semester
This was my last semester of Spanish. A big deal considering for the last year and a half I'd had Spanish every morning at 8. Also, my teacher this semester was not American. Nor was he a native Spanish speaker. He was from Romania. He didn't even serve a Spanish-speaking mission. Random? Also awesome.

I took the entry course for history teaching. It was 20 hours a week for the first block. I'm still furious that they demanded that much out of my week. I always say I'll write a letter. Maybe one day I really will.

I started my first minor, Political Science Teaching by taking the entry course, American Government and Politics. A one-hundred level class where a junior couldn't snag an A on her papers. I have sympathy for all poli sci majors now.

Oh and I was on SPAC. Yeah. I'm not even going to try, they have an entire post coming up.

I was also affected by SAD this semester. It still occasionally comes up, but never as bad as it was this semester.

Some laughs: Class quotes

  • I know there are all sorts of signs that say no food and drink...we're all friends here (the donuts lesson in American Heritage) - Dr. Pope
  • We're the tyrannical democrats. You can have your rights; just give them all to use! - Matt Page
  • Ambiguity is like a multi-headed dragon... -Spencer Sutton
  • *As Britain's unofficial anthem plays* Everybody! ...We're not going to build an empire if you don't get into it! Come on! - Dr. York
  • I have not eliminated your agency, you can leave it blank. Grading will be simplified. - Dr. York
  • Go ahead [and vote on the final essay topic], I'm the electoral college! - Dr. York
  • You probably can't sleep without knowing these dates, and I understand that - Professor Haddock.
  • And we will talk about all the teenage mutant ninja turtles this semester. - Professor Haddock
  • Do I have to sing a song? Do I have to cry? I don't know - Professor Strate
  • The Bible is about 35% more correct in Spanish than in English. According to my...scientific calculations - Profe McNeil. 
  • But not the man that's holding you down, the man that's raising the roof. - Profe McNeil
  • She's also vice president of the Tae-Kwon-Do club - a student
    • Oh, well will watch ourselves - Professor Horrocks
  • Oh! I know this! I know this! I'm Scottish! - Jim Puida
  • First, he is not a very good example of...a person - Professor Horrocks
  • My name is Brady and there's no way that I'm a lady - Brady
  • Que cheesy - Profe. Iclenceau
  • Republicans sleep in different beds, sometimes even different rooms, that's why there are more Democrats. - Professor Davis

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