Saturday, April 14, 2012

Senior year in a nutshell: Folk dancey

Here's the one that is supposed to be the end. 5 year plans are the norm now right?

This here is the spring of SPAC. And the summer of home. We'll talk about both of those later.

Oh and I made PAC this summer. :)

Fall semester
This was my first semester of PAC. Uh. Yeah, it was crazy.

I also continued to pretend I was going to minor in Political Science so I took both Intro to International Politics and Western Political Heritage, which was basically political philosophy. I loved Intro to International Politics and it actually kind of changed my life (the professor, Valerie Hudson, shall be discussed again in the favorite professors post). Western Political Heritage? Well, I made it through. And there was a super cute guy in that class! Yeah. Me and philosophy are not friends.

I took a World War II class this semester so my future teenage boy students will think I'm cool. But it just further reminded me that I think military history is lame-o. However I did watch a bunch of awesome movies and read a cool book whose name I can't remember.

I took intermediate Irish and it was fantastic. I finally purchased my own pair of hard shoes from Sarah Klopp which I use to this day. And I danced with Kana Tyler a lot, and laughed a lot.

I took the Doctrine and Teachings of Joseph Smith and tried to like it. But after you take religion classes from Professor Fluhman, you really can't go back to anyone else. It's like Western Family chocolate chips versus Ghiradelli.

As for PAC. We'll talk about it later really. Suffice it to say I had more performances than I ever imagined and I'm pretty sure I constantly had gel in my hair. And I came to love my folk dance sweats. So comfortable.

Oh. And I started working at the TMA office this Fall. I had quit Freshman Academy to make room for folk dance. I also worked for Lauri Haddock (the one I took Humanities 101 from and who my freshmen from the year before took Humanities from) as a TA. That began a lovely friendship.

Winter semester
Sometimes I still wonder how I survived this one.

This is the semester I stopped pretending to be a political science minor and started pretending to be a geography teaching minor. So I took Geography 101 and Geography 250 about the US and Canada.

I had Geography 101 from President Monson's son and it remains my very worst grade at BYU. B-. Really? Clearly science is not my thing. I even did better in Physical Science as a freshman! I had Geography 250 from Professor Galland and it was hilarious and fun and I still don't understand what Geography is after that class.

This semester I took perhaps my very favorite class that I ever took from Professor Fluhman, American Christianity. It was fascinating! I loved learning about different religions, I really had never known very much about them, having grown up in Utah my whole life. Oh also, Jimmer was in this class too. However, this was THE year of Jimmer and during March Madness he clearly didn't come to class. And after March Madness the poor boy couldn't even come to class without being mobbed. So yeah, I didn't see him much.

In addition to this, I had performances about every single weekend. The weekends I didn't have a performance I would have rehearsal either for PAC or SPAC because I was on PAC and I was the TA for SPAC. I remember clearly one Saturday to myself. Holy what? Yeah. It was so worth it though! Because then when a lot of people from SPAC made PAC the next year I was already great friends with them! Genius. I also got to choreograph a dance with Mike Romney for SPAC which was super cool to see my choreography onstage! One day I need to get my hands on a recording of that baby.

Some funny moments: Class quotes

  • If I don't spell this right I'm just going to tell you this is how they spell it in Canada. - Professor Gilchrist
  • I find them simple and boring and it's the Apostasy so I don't care. - Professor Gilchrist
  • We'll find out the truth after we die. Which doesn't help you much because you have a midterm next week. - Professor Hudson
  • Let's just say Italy's got problems and one of them is the zipper of their Prime Minister's pants - Professor Hudson
  • Terrorists are not the most stable of characters. They get kind of angry. - Professor Hudson
  • He painted him with Satan getting bit in his brotherly parts - Professor Haddock
  • Come on men, give me a beautiful hand, no military hands, only beauty. There is no shame, no shame, only pride. - Professor Haddock
  • What else can I say about tornadoes? They seem to target trailer parks... - Professor Monson
  • This time it worked. That time it didn't. Life is hard. Don't blame me - Professor York
  • Historians are pretty desperate for people to read their books and say they're relevant. And they don't and we're not- Professor York.
  • Oh I thought this was a bow-tie petition, a peaceful protest against my sartorial splendor - Professor York
  • These are mountains. Not fire. - student
  • We've got to take this stupid quiz. I mean...awesome quiz. - Professor Galland
  • Oh, and it's illegal to detonate a nuclear weapon or cause a catastrophe - Liz Smith
  • You know because you are geography majors, or you went to the 5th grade. - Professor Galland


Shiree said...

Oooh. I heard an AWESOME podcast by Valerie Hudson and I think I would love her, too.

Unknown said...

2 things:

This was the year that I was your roommate... huh.

Aaaand... I just finished my 120 class from Prof. Galland. He was not funny at all.

Lynette Yorgason said...

This simply can't be true. That man was hilarious. And don't worry, there is going to be an entire post dedicated to roommates. I mean, I haven't even mentioned Ronnie yet.

Unknown said...

You did mention her. But that was about all. :) Remember how you two took a cooking class together?