Saturday, February 4, 2012

Teenage dream

So I spend all week in a high school teaching teenagers, it's fun.

Then I come home and watch Jane By Design.  (Um, Nick Fadden is a dang babe. A dang. babe. Consequently I cannot for the life of me find the birth year of the actor Matthew Atkinson, I really need to know if me finding him a babe should be creepy or not.)

It's this weird double perspective teaching teenagers and then watching (and maybe obsessing over) a show about teenagers in high school with scenes where they talk/text/whatevs in class.

And then I put these two experiences together and what do I think about? Teenage love. Obviously.

Remember how giddy it is? And the butterflies in your stomach? And how simple it was? And how important it was? And how dramatic it was? And how FUN it was?

I remember once when my crush wore my jacket at school to be ridiculous. For the rest of the week I kept that jacket on my bed not touching anything so it kept it's smell. I couldn't wait to get home every night so I could smell it.




Megan said...

Oh, I remember. Mmmmmmmm...boys.

潇潇 said...

I remembered the first epic Valentine I had: I prepared/hid six or seven different presents for a girl all around the campus. Oh, she became my girl friend at the end of that day :)Love wasn't that hard, Yesterday :p

Unknown said...

ha ha totally had an experience like that. Except I didn't like the was my friend's jacket. And I still liked smelling it. I am so weird.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I love your comment about Nick! I literally LOLed (lame). :) "He is a dang babe. A dang. babe." SO RICH! Oh and i love you.

Madison Scholes said...

High School!! those were the days...and still are the days for some of us :)