Friday, February 3, 2012

And now behold, my joy is full.

So I know all the blogs thus far have been much  more on the serious side. I promise I'll get lighter, but this was the first blog post so far that was inspired without any prompting or studying on my part so I really wanted to go with it.

I woke up to a terrible, no good, very bad morning. Off I went to school at too early in the morning and thankfully I didn't have to teach the first period of the day. I "planned" at my computer but mostly just stared and tried to text people (hard to do when you wake up and are two hours into your day when most college students wake up) and ended up mostly ruining my hair and completely removing my makeup by the amount of running my hands over them that I did. (That sentence is seriously awkwardly worded but sorry, I don't think there is any way around it.)

I helped teach one period and interacting with the students helped, but since it wasn't "my" class (my co-teacher and I split up the classes) I mostly snuck away every once in a while to see if anyone had texted me back yet and took a looooong bathroom break to calm down. Seriously, it was that bad of a morning.

This bad mood continued and I was DREADING 8th period. My 8th period class is more chaotic then I would personally choose, but they can also just be so amazingly fantastic. So I was pretty worried about them on a Friday afternoon, but I knew I had to get through it. No other choice.

And guess what? It was amazing. Once I was teaching and interacting with those students and helping them I was so happy. And they were great and inquisitive and fun today and the class ended and I just looked at my co-teacher and said "That was great!" Bad mood gone.

What does this have to do with love you say? Un momento por favor.

One of my very favorite scriptures in all of the world is found in 3 Nephi 17. I mean, how can you ever go wrong with the Savior's visit to the Americas? But in this chapter, in verse 20, Christ says that His joy is full. The first time I read this as an understanding, thirsting for knowledge adult, I was so struck by that phrase. How could your joy be full? Brimming? Completamente? It sounded so wonderful. Since that time I have found that phrase other times in the scriptures and I always perk up when something gives me an indication as to how my joy could be full.

But in this particular scripture, Christ's joy is full because of those He was visiting. Because of His people. Seeing their faith gave him un-add-to-able joy. And their faith did this because He so thoroughly loved them.

Insert inquisitiveness and on-task-ness for faith and then you may understand why my joy was filled (perhaps not full, that's a pretty tall order) when I saw these students who I have come to love, show such promise. Full joy. Lots of love. Day 3 of love.

1 comment:

潇潇 said...

Rejoice, rejoice, Emanuel will come to thee, O Israel. :)