Sunday, February 12, 2012

Love YOU.

So today I decided the most important thing for me to talk about would be loving yourself.  Because let's face it, that is one of the hardest things to do. 

A quote I found from a Young Women's lesson "We are children of God, and when we do not love ourselves, we are not respecting the things God has created." 

I have friends who have a hard time with this and I find myself getting almost angry about it. Not loving yourself means you're not fully loving God! He truly sent his Son to die out of love for you. And his son and your Savior died (and lived) because of his love for you. 

Also, he created you. Individually he made you and is the father of your spirit. How proud are you of things you have created? He has that much love and more for you! He is proud of what you are and sees your eternal worth and when you don't see it, just think how hard that is for Him to see. 

 Have you ever had a friend who you just adore. You know how wonderful they are and what they are capable of. But then they don't see it and they get discouraged. Isn't that just about the most frustrating thing ever? Magnify that a hundred fold. That's the frustration from an Eternal Father who sees your potential. And He knows exactly what your potential is because He gave it to you!

Now remember, self love doesn't mean you only consider yourself and not other people, or that you accept your faults as is and not work on them. The Lord chasteneth those whom he loves. We can and should still be self critical while at the same time keeping in mind our self worth. They must exist together though they seem opposite. Like justice and mercy. Sound familiar? 

You're wonderful. Now go do some soul (and scripture, and prayer) searching until you believe it. 

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