Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2 Secrets and a Truth.

1. I used to hate Valentines Day. Also pink.

The pink thing changed when my mom gave me a huge, puffy, pink, Jigglypuff looking winter coat. I decided to like it. As for Valentines Day, I attribute much of it to my beautiful sister Shiree. Her love for it was infectious and adorable and cool.
I did NOT approve of that coat. At first. 

2. There is a point on Valentines Day when I'm just as sad and lonely as everyone else gets/has been.

Yep. I'm human. But here's the thing. This happens at the end of the day, after I've done my normal day things but always, always before I hand out Valentines. I highly encourage buying those paper valentines that you hand out in 4th grade because you may be amazed at how delighted people are to get these silly things. I'm sure nostalgia plays a large role in it. The other factor may be that they were sitting in their apartment feeling just like I was pre-Valentine handing out. I don't think I need to point out the moral of this story.
These were my valentines last year. 
This year I procrastinated to much to get anything this cool. 
If you've never seen this show...um...watch it. 
Here's one of my fav episodes. ONE of the many. 

1. Truth:
God is love. Here's the deal, this will always be my message on Valentines Day. There may be many facets of love but in God all of them are contained. It is no coincidence that the Disciple who so clearly stated this is called John the Beloved.

Let's just face it, the Beatles got it right. All you need is love.

1 comment:

潇潇 said...

It is only when we love, we are really like Sons/daughters of God. <3 Happy Valentine's Day. Thanks again for your posts on this subject. I was quite enjoying to see someone who had similar point of view about love here around. Keep it up, you will be a great lover in life. That's the greatest blessing He would give us -- be able to love.