Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tagged, I'm it.

So my nephew just did a tagging blog post. His fifth tag was "Lots of Aunts", so I feel like I was definitely included.

Three joys:
1. Valentines Day. It's only the best holiday of them all.
2. People who genuinely care about me (how can there really be that many of them?)
3. Learning

Three fears:
1. Vomiting (me or others, don't even tease me about it, seriously)
2. Rejection
3. Embarrassment (I totally stole that one from my nephew, but it's legit, don't worry)

Three goals
1. Get a real-life teaching job and be good at it
2. Get married and have a beautiful family
3. Teach and choreograph dance

This is what the Ogden Temple shall look like. I miss the spaceship because that's what I grew up with but a temple is temple, no matter what shape.

Three current collections/obsessions
2. Dr. Who
3. Watching Vocal Point on the Sing-Off

Three random surprising facts about myself
1. My eyes can go in different directions
2. I have never seen a shooting star
3. I loooooove the smell of chlorine. But I can't swim.

I am supposed to tag 5 more people. So I choose
1. Laurn Jones (I purposefully didn't put the e in there, it's how I say your name in my head...)
2. Celeste Godfrey
3. Marissa Reynolds
4. Michelle Sonognini
5. Ryan Sonognini


Liahona said...

Fun blog missy!

Marissa Reynolds said...

Fun!! I have never done one of these, and I'm going to do it now. Love it! I didn't know your fear of vomiting... I had to laugh.
Also, the Ogden temple is nuts! I do miss the other one too.. I always thought it looked like a birthday cake. Or a wedding cake. With just one person on top.
Miss you!!