Friday, October 28, 2011

A coup!

If you do a google image search on coup d'etat this is what comes up. Keep these images in mind. A coup d'etat is, according to Wikipedia "the sudden, extrajudicial deposition of a government". 

This week of my life I experience a coup of sorts. My emotions were sick of being subservient to my Louis XIVth logic. This parallel may not be chronologically or factually accurate, but conceptually I promise it makes sense, just stay with me. 

So for reasons that I attribute mostly to stress, not enough sleep and, let's be honest, hormones, my emotions were bolstered enough to stand up to my reason. I thought it was bad at the first of the week, things were tricky, difficult, hard to handle, etc. But THEN, then my friends, came the Reign of Terror. That's right, Robespierre made an appearance, in the form of complete hysterics. I have never felt like I'm completely not in control of my emotions, it was terrifying (thus the reign of terror...). 

Thankfully Napoleon didn't factor into this (this turned from a coup to the French Revolution somehow, probably because the word is French). So there was no conquering and there was definitely no disaster in Russia (because we all you know you should never get involved in a land war in Asia). In fact I think my coup d'etat/French Revolution ended with Marie Antoinette telling me to eat cake. And I complied.

Maybe I will be a good history teacher...

1 comment:

Jeff said...

From the sound of it, you'll be a stinking awesome history teacher!