Sunday, August 28, 2011

TBE in Porec

We're almost done people. For a week we stayed in Porec, Croatia, right on the Adriatic Sea. But really, you could see it from our hotel and we walked past it every day on our way to shows/animations.

1. 1 show a day (or none!). This was the most chill festival ever. We would have an "animation" in the morning, where we'd do a little show in a town square setting where we could like dance with the people who came kind of a thing and we'd just do like 2 numbers. And then we had 1 show at night. However, not everyone did the animations every day, everyone only did it three times out of 7 days. And there was one night when I wasn't in our night show at all because I wasn't in the dances they were doing! Yeehaw! And one day we had NOTHING, 0 shows, 0 animations, total day off. Best, festival, ever.

2. The buffet at the hotel. Um, it was amazing. A huge salad bar, amazing fries, ice cream, adorable desserts, and just all around amazing food. We ate at this place for all three meals people. Everyday. So good.

3. Water aerobics!

Here is a good portion of the team (and some of our chaperons) doing water aerobics on the last day we could. They had them everyday at 11 am. That day the aerobics were led by Ivana (who came to one of our shows, she is so great!) and her special guest Greg! Seriously, this was so fun, and quite a bonding activity. I think every single person on the team/chaperon did it at some point.

4. Getting a tan.

5. Getting into the Adriatic Sea. I do not yet have a picture of this, I think Liahona took one. And I only went in once, and I didn't stay in it long...but it was good enough for me. :)

6. Our awesome day off and boat tour. We weren't planning on doing anything on our day off. The emcee Tim found that out and was not having any of that. He hooked us up with his friend who does boat tours and got us booked for a little tour around the Adriatic. We stopped at a couple of places, passed a nudist colony or two, and had some interesting lunch. One of the towns we stopped in was where Casanova was cast out to after being kicked out of Venice. As for the nudist colonies, thankfully they were far enough away to be not scarring. And lunch? Let's just say if you ordered fish, you sure got fish, all of the fish. And the waiters were SERIOUSLY confused when we gave them back their alcohol they had put on our tables.

Here's a picture I stole from someone taken on our boat tour. Really, everywhere looked like this, it was so beautiful it couldn't even be real life to me.

7. Hanging out with Justin to re-cement our Elkridge partnership. Justin and I were having some clogging partnership issues in which we couldn't hold on to each other for some reason. It all started when he let go too early in Prague for the men's and women's solos. So we decided to stick together during our first stop on the boat tour. We looked for antique books. We found some wooden cats. We went to the top of a really high tower in a church while admitting to each other how much we hate heights (but really, we could have died on those steps), and we almost didn't make it back to the boat but thankfully stumbled upon Michael Steele who laughed at us because we were sort of frantically running. In the wrong direction.

8. Having Jared telling me I was plenty pretty. :) Oh Jared, our banjo player is the bomb and one of my favorite people ever, and the people of Oklahoma will love that boy while he gets to serve them for two years.

9. Carrying Jared's banjo because I wanted to, and having everyone get mad at him for it. The night I wasn't in the show I didn't have anything to carry so I decided to carry Jared's banjo because he always complains about how heavy (fat) she is. However, when people saw me carrying it they assumed that Jared had made me carry it and got mad at him. It was entertaining.

9.5. Always wearing Jared's hat. Seriously, he put it on me like 50% of the time.

10 and 11 really don't need to be published on the internet.

12. Watching the awesome Chinese war epic movie and gaining a new love for eastern warfare. Really, all this time I thought war was stupid, now I realize, western war tactics are stupid.

13. Having no leaders with us for the last parade so we revolted and did songs other than Oh Susanna and Back up and Push! Some of these included Country Roads, ...yeah I can't remember anything else, but they were great! And fun! And everyone loved us and we weren't bored out of our minds.

13.5. Having the leaders show up at various points in the parade with drinks or ice cream right in front of us. Taunting us. It was mean. And funny.

14. Hit cookies after said parade. Those cookies are amazing.

15. Walking down old Roman streets and seeing beautiful old buildings.

No big deal. Just beyond gorgeous.

16. How picturesque everything was. Really, everything made a perfect picture. I kept feeling like I was dreaming.

17. Funny chips. Drew and Tim understand this, and they are the only people on that tour who have ever heard me giggle.

18. "I bet it's cooler outside!" Once upon a time, we had a show and our dressing room was in an abandoned store. It was crazy hot in there, this was clearly the case. But just in case our personal temperature gauges weren't working, Ed continually reminded us to change really quickly and go outside because it's much cooler outside. It became an inside joke between Katrina and I, we said it to each other quite a bit that night, and continued to do so when things got ridiculous throughout the tour.

PS, just for kicks, this was what our stage looked like for that show.

19. Watching a British inspirational movie about education. It was rare to find programming in English that wasn't just news, so this was exciting on a morning when I felt ill to be able to just chill in my room and watch this. Did I mention yet how this week was like a vacation? Seriously.

20. Being in paradise.

21. Eating kalimari, fish, and shark.

22. Finding out Tim (our emcee) seemed interested in the Gospel, especially our focus on families. Ed left him with a Proclamation to the Family.

23. When Tim (our emcee) told us we were the talk of the town. Everyone loved the BYU group! This was so flattering.

24. Going to this awesome mosaic church that has bits of it from really...really old times. 6th century BC? Maybe? I'm not big into history pre-Medieval ages so I don't know. BUT I went with Drew, which was great because we both took forever. However sadly those who joined us were probably bored out of our minds. But at least they could smile long enough for this picture. Thanks for putting up with us Justin, Jay, and Lia. :)


Justin said...

Speak for yourself on the whole "3 out 7 animations" thing. We men had to be there EVERY morning because Buffalo Gals apparently isn't as cool as Fandango. . .?

Unknown said...

18. Hey, I bet it's cooler outside...