Friday, April 15, 2011

But if my silence made you leave, then that would be my worst mistake.

I must admit, my silence is very rarely a problem, usually more of a welcome occurrence. I have always been one to speak my mind and I can surely never keep my own secrets. All my life if I had a crush, people knew. Including him. Oops.

However I will not deny that this line from "And So It Goes" from Billy Joel has applied to me before. I wonder how many times there are things I didn't say but wanted to. I wonder how many times saying them would have helped, or perhaps it would have hindered? Trying to decide which is fairly impossible. I can think of both negative and positive feelings associated with people that were never shared. I wonder if that was the best choice?

I got a Dove chocolate wrapper that said "Express what's in your heart". Since Dove chocolate wrappers always include absolute truths (right?) I have been thinking about this lately. What do I keep in my heart and what do I let out? Is there a time for everything in there to come out and if so how do I know when it approaches?


Shiree said...

Heart-wrenching song!!

amelia holt said...

Oh hello just reading this now and I love you for quoting that song. One of his bests, I really think. "And every time I held a rose, it seemed I only felt the thorns...." Ah...