Thursday, August 13, 2009

SYTYCD Top 25: Part II

We come to part II, season 2 of the SYTYCD countdown. Let's get right down to business shall we?

Why-Allison and Ivan, a contemporary dance choreographed by Tyce Diorio. This was Tyce's first season with SYTYCD, though not his first dance. He choreographed Unwritten and Steam Heat earlier in the season, both wonderful dances, but not quite rivals to this one. This dance feature Allison, a Utah dancer whose technique/flexibility/core/everything is amazing, and Ivan is a hip hop, pop and locker who kind of moves like...water. At least for me, this dance really surprised me as regards to Ivan, and remains one of my favorites.

Of course, this countdown wouldn't be complete without the famous bench dance. It really doesn't need much introduction. Choreographed by Mia Michaels, danced by Travis and Heidi (both of whom ended up in the top 4), and the winner of an Emmy.

This next dance, Sexy Love, also danced by Allison and Ivan, marked the first use of what the judges like to call lyrical hip hop on the show. It's the first time I'd really seen a slower hip hop song with strong hip hop moves yet a softer feel. This dance was great, but mostly marks the countdown because it is the forerunner to more, and greater, lyrical hip hop dances (just wait until season 4 people, Tabitha and Napolean will blow your mind). But this is a great dance, choreographed by Shane Sparks.

This next dance, Black Mambo danced by Benji and Heidi was great for a number of reasons. First, choreographed by Alex Da Silva, and as I said on my last post, I like that guy. Second, both of these dancers specialize in ballroom. Often in this competition because there aren't usually more than two or three ballroom dancers, it isn't often that they are paired together. So these two, champion ballroom dancers are paired together with one of the greatest mambos this show has seen. Last, but not least, Benji and Heidi are cousins! And that's just cute.

Alright, we've come to the last wonderful dance of Season 2 worthy of this Top 25. This dance launched millions of iTunes browsers looking up Roision Murphy, opened up millions of competition dancers to start dancing a little more awkwardly, and cemented the position of Wade Robson in the hearts of those who hadn't known him before. Ramalama Bang Bang was choreographed for the Top 10, and was recently re-shown on Season 5's 100th show extravaganza, and Wade himself joined the dancers! Awesome right? I am including the original performance of the dance, as done by the top 10 of season 2. Oh yeah, and this dance got an Emmy too. We love us some Emmy's!


Michelle said...

I am liking this, Lynette. I am sad I never saw the beginning but who would be better to sum it all up than you? No one. That's right, no one.

Unknown said...

You rock my socks, Lynette. I can't believe you... awesome review! Love it!