Monday, January 26, 2009

Nothin' but love for the Jo-Bros

That's right one and all. I love the Jo Bros. Yep, I'm a self respecting 20 year old college student. A 20 year old college student who knows good music! Alright, much like my lists explaining my love for HSM, here comes the Jo Bro list. The Jo Bro list of love.

1. They have fun, upbeat pop rock songs that unlock the pre-teen in all of us. Admit it.
2. Three, attractive singing brothers. Nothing more to say.
3. They have seriously great hair, I mean really awesome hair. Nice and dark, curly, nicely groomed. Which brings me to my next point which is...
4. Well dressed boys! While I won't deny that I question their fashion sense from time to time...(Velvet suits for the Golden Globes? Really?) I love that they are willing to take risks! A great thing about style these days is that it isn't just wearing the right thing, it's wearing your personal style with the confidence to pull it off. And they definitely do that. It's also refreshing to see boys their age that actually care what they look like.
5. They not only write their own music (good music I might add) but help in the writing process for others with great albums, i.e. Demi Lovato.
6. They really connect with their fans, and express such great humility in the situation they have found themselves in. This is very refreshing to see in stars as HUGE as they are.
7. They do so much with their family, and put emphasis on that. I am a firm believer that family is numero uno, the most important thing we have in this life. They seem to feel that way as well and attribute much of their success and humility to their parents and whole family unit.

And finally
8.Can you say integrity? Thank the heavens there are finally some good role models in the media for the children of today. I can't put enough emphasis on this reason. These boys are one of the reasons I got back into the Disney Channel and I'm so glad that I gave it another chance. With all the junk that can exist in the media I am grateful that I can still find worthwhile entertainment on TV and in music because of Disney, and the Jonas Brothers. Though I know they didn't have much to do with it, they seem to have ushered in this whole new generation of very impressive Disney stars (Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, etc.) who in addition to being talented in their professions, are simply good people who have values and morals.

These are among some of the reasons that I love these boys. I will definitely be attending their 3-D movie on February 27, along with 4 million 14 year olds not only because I like them, but because I want to support the good media that they are a part of.

And so Jo Bros. Bravo.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I agree wholeheartedly. Now...if only there were a sure-fire way for us to meet them! get them to want to meet us--I mean, how could they not? ;)