Friday, March 14, 2008

Why my Grandpa rocks

Sad to say I didn't realize how seriously awesome my Grandpa Yorgason was until he passed away. I guess I was too much of a dinky teenager to think I should care. But the older I get the more I realize how awesome this man was! Namely, he was hilarious. I never quite knew where we got our random/witty humor from but now I know. R. Milton Yorgason himself. Here are a couple of examples.
Well, we are Scandinavian (Swedish to be specific) and apparently my Grandpa saw this hat somewhere and decided he had to have it. He then showed everyone at the monthly family meeting for all the grown-ups (depending on your definition of grown-ups...) and my dad snapped a picture of it. How fabulous is that?
And now I will share possibly one of the funniest things I've ever heard of my Grandpa saying. I didn't actually get to hear it, which is too bad, but my cousin told it over the pulpit at his funeral. One of my cousins Marla lived with my Grandpa for a while after my Grandma passed away and helped him clean out the house. One on occasion for some reason something about a subscription to the Ladies' Home Journal came up, I'm not sure if someone called, came or sent something. When Marla asked my Grandpa if he wanted a subscription he said "Well...does it come with the ladies?" Who says that? My hilarious Grandpa that's who.

1 comment:

Shiree said...

In elementary school I used to tell people how cool my Grandpa was because he was really old and he still had black hair. I thought that was the coolest. My favorite Grandpa moment is when he told the joke about the guy in prison. I'll have to relate it to you sometime. His chuckle is the best. I also always remember how fervently he bore his testimony at every family gathering. True dedication.