Monday, December 3, 2007

The end of the begininng.

I am quickly approaching the end of my first semester in college and I must say, I'm surprised I'm still alive sometimes. Craziness is my new working definition of college. But I must say that it's a good craziness. A fabulous craziness in fact.
I have learned a few important things so far this semester.
1. 10 page papers aren't as hard as they seem when you have something to say.
2. Sleep is very, very important.
3. Getting along with roommates is harder than it seems sometimes, but in the end a great relationship with a roommate is worth the sacrifice.
4. College boys are just as silly as high school boys. Just older.
5. Important comfort foods to have: chocolate and ice cream.
6. No matter how many credits you have, even if you are technically a sophomore, if it is your first year of college, you look, act, and feel like a freshman. Take joy in it. It only happens once!

1 comment:

Patti said...

I love this Lynette! Dad's right, you're a great writer. We should definitely do some blogging challenges back and forth.