Sunday, March 10, 2013

Soft Sunday Sounds: Good question.

If there is something I have learned in my education/life, it is the value of a good question. It is only in finding the right question, that we can find the right answer. This is true academically as well as spiritually. In fact, spiritually, I sometimes have found that it is in finding the right question, that the answer almost immediately comes. Because once you understand enough to perfectly word the question, your understanding is often complete enough to have already found the answer. 

I have always been a questioning type of person, which is why I love learning so much and so obviously. It is why I'm constantly learning and why, perhaps, some of my religious ideas could seem apostate to some people. ;) I just don't like to stop asking why until I can fully understand the answer. 

Lately, however, I have been at a lack for questions in certain areas of my life, which in turn, generally means I have nothing to say. I seem to be at a standstill for discovery. I desperately want to move forward and to do so by asking questions. But, I can't even figure out what questions to ask. 

Which I guess is a question. 

What questions should I ask?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is deep and so you. I think it's hard to say exactly what questions you should ask when you don't know what you want to find out. So maybe ask, "What is it that I want to know?"
I love you!!!