Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The TMA office: So many friendships, so little time.

Starting the fall of 2010 I replaced one of my BF's Megan-o at her job at the Theatre and Media Arts Department while she went on her mission.

Thus began a wonderful year at the most delightful office on campus. I won't allow anything else to even be considered. Here are the reasons.

1. Coolest co-workers ever
Lar'n - I always thought Lauren was delightful and then the next summer after my European adventures I worked with her basically all day every day. We bonded. We even have a song. Once upon a time I was looking for self-esteem songs because I was having...a day. And one of the songs I found when googling "self-esteem songs" was Can't Touch This by MC Hammer. Really? But from then on Lar'n and I listened to it anytime we were having a bad day. or a good day. Or a day. Oh she's also the funniest human being ever. A gems...tone.

Celestial - this dear girl is the light to my dark. She's a sunshiney ray of dearness who loves Dr. Who. She's actually one of my inspirations in blogging after reading hers while we worked together.

Andrea - I love this girl, and I love that when we worked together I often ended up helping her plan her wedding! You know how girls love to plan weddings even if they aren't dating anyone. She is very intelligent and practical like me, so we get along real well.

Will.i.am - So. William and I rarely spoke for quite some time. He's very quiet. But since he was the only boy in the office he got quite a lot of teasing. When he got engaged we changed the desktop background pictures to him and his wifey-to-be, etc. We also once found an awesome picture he took of himself on one of the computers and that was most def the background until he came back into work. ;) but then William took a class from the one and only J. Spencer Fluhman. We bonded first over his hilarity. Then over his intellectual prowess. Then we started being regular friends and talking about cool things regardless of whether or not it even connected to Fluhman.

Katie- Katie is mostly...me with curly hair. Really though. I got especially close to her in her first trimester of pregnancy in which we were the only ones working at 8 AM. 8 AM work for a first trimester pregnancy? Poor girl. But we made it through, I tried to keep her optimistic and she always kept me laughing. She now has the most beautiful daughter now. And she has inspired me to consider law school...we'll see.

Tess Kelly! - I think I'm actually incapable of just saying Tess. It's always Tess Kelly. Slowly I started to realize how awesome this girl is. My favorite is that she is in an office that can't be seen into by those who come in. So when weirdies come in and talk to us (it happens fairly often...theatre and media arts. Not that I'm stereotyping) she can crack up in the privacy of her office and then talk to us about it once they leave. She also has great clothes. And hair. And face. She also hates Moves like Jagger. So clearly I think of her everytime I hear it.

Amelia Fishkebaben - Okay that's not her real last name, but ever since she got married that's all I can think because that's the last name we made up for her, aka Lauren couldn't pronounce her new last name. Also she has beautiful red hair. And she's awesome.

Rebecca - Our little freshman. This girl's got serious sass and that works well when you have to work with Cougar Printing. I mean what? They're a great useful helpful acceptable. They're an on campus entity. Yeah that's all I can truthfully say. If you don't have anything nice to say...

Emily - She is actually the most talented person in the world? She left for London in the last while I worked there but she is the super cool artsy singer/songwriter who made awesome posters.

2. Coolest bosses ever
Rodger - Rodger was the TMA Chair for the first year I worked here. He is actually scientifically the happiest man in the world. He rides his bike to work everyday. He is always smiling. He remembers your name and tells you how pretty you look when he runs into the office (because he runs everywhere). And he has grandfatherly snowy white hair.

Amy - Amy is the chair that replaced Rodger and she is fantastica! She is funny and down-to-earth. She remembers what is going on in your life and cares about how you are doing. I even came in a couple of times while I was student teaching and she asked me about it, because she'd remembered that was why I left the office.

Elizabeth - I have rarely met anyone sweeter than Elizabeth. But then after getting to know her, she's also super funny. And then after watching Jer3miah  and hearing her say "Get off the road you dingbat!" you laugh uncontrollably. Or when she calls your dance team little people because she can't remember what they are called. She's great.

Kyle - Oh Kyle. When Kyle isn't in the office. It's terribly quiet and dull. And it seems like half of the people who come in, directly leave when finding out he isn't there. All the Media Arts students love him, but not as much as us. He always seems to have candy or food or something hidden in his office. Well "hidden" because we usually know where it is. And if that isn't enough, he's an amazing chef who brings stuff in often. Party. But really. He's a party animal.

3. Coolest professors ever.
T-Lef - I mean come on. His name is Tom Lefler and we call him T-Lef. Also DJ Tom. One time he called Kyle's office and asked us to request a song because he had just gotten Spotify and thought it was awesome. Clearly Lar'n and I requested Can't Touch this.

Sharon Swenson - Oh Sharon. I can't even think of words. She is just always delightful. Always.

For brevity's sake (even though it doesn't really exist yet in this post) I will just list the other hilarious professors I got to work with most.

David Morgan. Brad Barber. Tom Russell. Courtney Russell (talk about the sunshine couple, such dears). Julia Ashworth. Barta Heiner. George Nelson. To name a few...

We also had awesome parties once a month. Where we ate dino nugs and corn dogs and LOTS of candy. I'm pretty sure I always felt sick after those parties. Always.

We also kept a quote wall. So here are some of the gems.

  • Are you talking about your...oh..your little....what are you guys? - Elizabeth
  • It's snowing! N'Sync is singing, and I'm eating an ugly Christmas cookie! - Lauren
  • We're boyfriends! I mean, he's my boyfriend! - Amelia
  • Oh did you want to hear a trumpet? Because you have no choice. - Lar'n 
  • You are a brat...for being so good at your job. - Kyle
  • Why pizza bag? Why? - TK
  • The world is going to pot - Will.i.am.
  • Well no dino nugs for you! - Elizabeth
  • He might get angry and kill us. Seriously. Well probably not - Will
  • And then I started burning incest...incense. - Kyle
    • That must have been awkward - Will
  • The movie is tonight! - T-Lef
  • Faaaaaaaaaaabulous! - me on the phone with Brad Barber
  • And don't make a freakin' mess! - DJ Tom
  • Yeah! Let's kill 'em! - Katie
  • Compared to yours it was ashes in my mouth! - Sharon Swenson
  • What could someone bring in that is actually delicious and not a fungus?- Kyle
  • So Tom almost punched you while not hugging you? - Andrea
  • Do you guys have the stapler taker-outer thingy-bingy?


celestial* said...

This. is. the very best. Blog. Post. EVER.

Oh my goodness. Just so you know, people coming in the office to turn in their papers for Dean were looking at me funny when I was laughing uncontrollably at your hilarity. And they were confused. It was great.

Claire Mizukawa said...

I am loving your college series....I think I might do the same thing on my blog! So many memories I don't want to forget! Also, I concur about Cougar Printing....I have to work with them at my job too and...they are relatively impossible.