Monday, April 9, 2012


Sorry I've been MIA for a bit on the blog. I promise I've been wanting to write but I have nothing to say. Which actually means I have a million things to say but I have so many thoughts in my head I can't actually articulate anything. Hmm. I guess student teaching, graduating college and leaving everything I've known for 5 years, and applying for real life jobs does that to you.

To tide you over (who else thought it was "tie you over" their whole lives? You're not alone.) here is a video.

I don't know this guy. But could I marry him?

The jury is still out.

1 comment:

Kelsey Moss said...

have you seen his other one - the one that is 5 tips for guys on how to get a girlfriend? its pretty amazing. just as hilarious, haha. also... i'm pretty sure there are a lot of girls that want to marry him because of his videos... i'm definitely one of them, haha!