Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mawhage is what bwings us togevuh today.

Now presenting: Renee and Ben Linford.

While today certainly wasn't the first marriage attended (seeing as I'm the youngest of 8 kids), and wasn't even the first marriage of my high school friends, it WAS the first marriage in which I was close enough to the bride to actually wait outside of the temple, be in pictures, and stand around in terrible heat and seriously high pink heels. That's love folks. That's love.

Anyway, today marked my first very close friend marriage. And now, about twelve hours later, it's finally starting to sink in. Renee is married! I am so happy for her, and so weirded out at the same time. Especially when I realized that she is not much older than me. *Shudder* However weird it was to realize she was married, it was a great experience to see her so happy, and to be with my friends who I haven't been able to be with all together in quite some time. Here are some pictures of the crazy bride's friends. (I'm pretty sure that's probably how all the relatives at the luncheon referred to us)This picture encapsulates the boredom one gets from waiting in the heat for those durn married folks to come out. Adam on the left and Kellyn on the right are clearly being entertained by something Milly and I are doing. What we were doing? I don't exactly recall. But it looks pretty entertaining.

PS These pictures are being borrowed from the facebook page of Misty Miller. She is the photographic mastermind seeing as I left my camera in Provo.

Here is the blushing bride formerly Renee Chadwick now Renee Linford (which is weird). She has been one of my best friends since my sophomore year of high school.
And on the right, the goils. Me, Kellyn Peterson, Jessica Lewis, Misty Miller, Renee ...Linford, McKella Sawyer, Kaycee Higgs and Milly Winter. Drama friends rock!

And this? Possibly my favorite picture of the whole day. Renee and Cameroon. Cameron always seems to bring out the absolute most hilarious Renee moments. And we love him for it.
Last but not least, this is my excited marriage face! Marriage is exciting!


Shiree said...

Okay, Cameron, what is up with that pose?? Very interesting....:) And, Lynette, I think it was worth the pain to wear those ADORABLE pink heels. They are rockin'. Not only pink, but patent-leather shiny...I love them.

Mena said...

I love this phrase "stand around in terrible heat and seriously high pink heels. That's love folks. That's love." And I'd just like to say AMEN! I don't so much love waiting outside of the temple for people to get married. I've only done it 3 or 4 times. But, honestly, it's boring and hot or else frigidly freezing. YUCK. That's love; it's true.

Patti said...

Lynette, you crack me up! Frequently.